Things to know to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, There are many teachings of Jesus here are some useful teachings about Life by Jesus. He fulfilled all that was written by the Prophets.
Things to know to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, There are many teachings of Jesus here are some useful teachings about Life by Jesus. He fulfilled all that was written by the Prophets.
Jesus teaches how to become his disciple. There are many teachings of Jesus here are some teachings teachings to become his disciple.
Parable of the fig tree is a miracle performed by Jesus. He was hungry saw a fig tree and went to it and found nothing but leaves. He said never again will fruit come from you. And at once the fig tree withered.
Jesus heals crowd people, lame, crippled, blind, mute. Large crowds came to Him and those who touched it were perfectly restored, Jesus healed them all.
The coin in the fish’s mouth is one of the Miracles performed by Jesus. He asked Peter to go to the sea and throw in a hook, and take the first fish, open its mouth and you will find a shekel.