Bible - Who is TAMAR Mount Christian

Who Is Tamar?

Tamar bore a son in the genealogical line of Jesus.

The story of Judah and Tamar

Tamar was married to Judah’s first son Er, He was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so God put him to death. According to Levirate marriage the duty of the brother was to father a male heir and take care of his brother’s widow to carry his brother’s name and inheritance. So, the responsibility fell on Onan, the second son of Judah, but Onan was unwilling to father. So God put his death also. Shelah, the next brother in line, was too young at the time. So Judah asked Tamar to stay as a widow in her father’s house until Shelah grows.

After Judah’s wife dies, Tamar tricked Judah into sleeping with her by disguising herself as a prostitute, which resulted in her pregnancy. Later, when Judah learned that Tamar was pregnant, he insisted Tamar be punished. Judah gave Tamar his staff, cord and seal on the night of their encounter. That’s when Tamar brought forth Judah’s staff, seal, and cord, to prove that he in fact was the father.

Tamar and Judah later bore twin boys named Perez and Zerah. Ironically, out of Perez’s line, both King David and later Jesus Christ, the Messiah, were born.

Judah’s intention:

  • No intentions to get his third son married to Tamar.
  • He asked Tamar to stay as widow in her father house fearing his third son would also die.
  • He thought Tamar was the reason for death of his sons rather acknowledging sins and mistakes of his Son.
  • Judah did injustice to Tamar. She was twice widowed, childless and alone.

Judah’s Sin:

Judah’s was filled with guilt, he recognized his sin and acknowledged his failure to provide for his daughter- in- law. He confessed Tamar “She is more righteous than I”.

In doing so, Judah became the first recorded to publically confess his sins.

My takeaways from Tamar and Judah Story:

Tamar is the first woman name in New Testament and one out of the 4 women mentioned in Jesus genealogy. Like Ruth, mentioned in the Jesus genealogical line, Tamar was not one of God’s chosen people. Tamar appearance in Christ’s genealogical line shows God’s compassionate character. God does not play favorites, and Jesus came to save us all.

The first introduction of Jesus in New Testament is”He will save his people from their sins” Jacob son Joseph who was chosen by God doesn’t show up in the genealogical line of Christ but its Judah. God did choose Judah and Tamar inspite of the twisted sinful genealogical line.

God knows we are dysfunctional and the messes. He never loves us less for how much twisted genealogical line and our sinful past. The consequences of our sins are painful, but Christ’s love remains pure. We are always forgiven and never loved less.

This is testament to God’s prevailing mercy. Even the most flawed and sinful men can be blessed by God not because of their merit but purely because of his grace and power of repentance.

Like Tamar we do not know the significance of our life on earth. But there is purpose, nothing is wasted, every imperfection is perfected and all will be made right when Jesus returns.

He could have chosen any family He wanted, but in a remarkable way He chose to know and understand humanity on every level, He came right into a dysfunctional family line. God loves us and he made a way to rescue us. “Immanuel- God with us

Scripture References:

  • Tamar name: Matthew 1:3
  • Tamar story: Genesis 38
  • Judah confession: Genesis 38:26
  • Jesus name: Mathew 1:21
  • Immanuel : Mathew 1:23


Love and Peace!

Jaisheela Padmanabhan.

12 thoughts on “GOD’S COMPASSION. WHO IS TAMAR?”

  1. Wonderful sister!!!
    “The consequences of our sins are painful, but Christ’s love remains pure. We are always forgiven and never loved less”

  2. Congratulations Sheela .. another great step .. very well written …I loved the “Take aways” – it’s all about God. He is a faithful God with unconditional love, also a true God.. I hope preachers today will highlight God and preach God only.. our role is jus to believe ..

  3. God is great. Awesome writing Sheela!
    “we do not know the significance of our life on earth. But there is purpose, nothing is wasted, every imperfection is perfected and all will be made right when Jesus returns”. Loved a lot.

  4. Beautifully written Sheela..loved it!! Great step of spreading the gospel. All the best! Good message on god’s love, repentence…keep going. God bless u!
    Praise the lord!

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